Occasionally a loan officer will get a loan that they just don’t know what to do with. Not sure how…
I've written about this before, but it's important, so I wanted to touch on it again. Borrowers ask me if…
Have you been thinking about buying an investment property? If so, here's an idea that gives you crazy good terms…
I just finished a new Special Report for you. "How To Buy A House With No Money Down, Have A…
Did you know we offered delayed financing? Delayed financing is for Borrowers who purchased a property for CASH within the…
Have you been told your debt to income ratio is too high to get a mortgage? Here's trick I've used…
Did you know that your entire down payment on a Conventional loan can be a gift? It can! This would…
I hope your having a good day so far! I finished writing a Special Report for Realtors this morning. It's titled: How…
Two quick loan tips... 1) Did you know we can do USDA loans down to a 580 credit score now?…
Couple of things... 1) USDA has increased their income limits recently. If you would like to see if your family…