It's tax time. What do you do if you are in the process of applying for a loan and you…
Have you ever wondered how long you have to wait to get a loan after a bankruptcy? I wanted to…
Hope you had a great Easter weekend! Have you been out of work, and now you are working again? ...and,…
Did you know we do Reverse Mortgages? I wanted to address the two most common questions that I get regarding…
Sometimes the difference between getting an approval on your loan or not comes down to what documentation your loan officer…
Normally if you have had a foreclosure you must wait a minimum of 3 years (after the foreclosure) to get…
If you have a conventional loan, and your loan to value ratio is over 80% - you will be paying…
Often when you get divorced and once spouse keeps the house, per the terms of the divorce you must refinance…
A while ago I sent out an email explaining that Experian was changing their policy on dispute removals and no…
When you give someone option money at the onset of a lease option agreement - you are going to have…