If you have been told you can't get a cash out loan on your home becuase the loan amount it…
One of the most important things you will have to do when you apply for a loan is to show…
Here is something to consider if you were thinking about refinancing from a 30 year mortgage to a 15 year…
I hope you had great holidays, and a happy new year! I hope 2018 will be a great year for…
This is the time of year counties are sending their property tax bills out. There are two issues I see…
Remember, there are two important changes about to happen January 1st. 1) Changes to the Texas Cash Out Loans. ...biggest…
In spite of the fed increasing their funds rate yesterday the mortgage rate market actually went lower. The inflation news…
I hope you are having a good December! I just got back from Aruba with my wife. Everyone we met…
I wanted to let you know that Fannie Mae loan limits for conforming loans are going up to $453,100 in…
Can you be too old to apply for a mortgage? ...No. Even if you are 90 years old, and you…