Good Morning! If you have a conventional loan, and your loan to value ratio is over 80% – you will…
Good Morning! FHA gift questions come up often. I wanted to give you the rules on FHA gift giving. Here…
Good Morning! Did you know we have Debt Service Coverage programs for non owner occupied investment property? In other words…
Good Morning! Here's three little credit tips for you... 1) Did you know a single credit card late payment can…
Good Morning! If you need an Alternative Documentation loan look no further. We have the most robust Alt Doc product…
Good Morning! Did you know we have a loan program for Foreign Nationals?A Foreign National is someone who is neither…
Good Morning! Did you know we provide NO Ratio loans for investment loans? On this loan we verify the assets…
Good Morning! I want to show you how to roll repairs into a purchase price. I touch on this subject…
Good Morning! Do you know the best way to get sellers to help pay your closing costs, prepaid taxes, insurance…
Good Morning! I wanted to follow up on my blog post from last week... It was about the government…