
Brett’s Mortgage Blog

Loan Tool You Can Use To Acquire Rental Property…

Good Morning! If you want to acquire rental properties, but you are having issues proving your income - here's one…

4 years ago

Best Loan Programs To Use For Rural Purchases…

Good Morning! If you need financing to purchase a home in the country I would use either USDA, FHA, or…

4 years ago

Can’t Prove Your Income, But Want To Buy A House…

Good Morning! If you want to purchase or refinance a house, but you have a hard time proving traditional income,…

4 years ago

How A Delayed Financing Cash Out Loan Works…

Good Morning! If you purchased a home using your own cash, and now would like to pull your cash back…

4 years ago

How To Manage Repairs In A Contract…

Good Morning! When you are buying or selling a house, and there are notes written into the contract regarding repairs…

4 years ago

Loan Limits For Your Area…

Good Morning! The mortgage business is a dynamic business.  Things change on a daily basis. One good thing to be…

4 years ago

Good Time Of Year For This…

Good Morning! This is the time of year property tax bills are being paid. There are two issues I see…

4 years ago

ITIN Loan Solution For You…

Good Morning! Occasionally I like to spotlight a program that may help you or someone you know. We have ITIN…

4 years ago

USDA Property Eligibility Map…

Good Morning! USDA is a 100% government insured loan.  Low rates, and no down payment. However, there are geographic limitations…

4 years ago

Property Tax Solution For You…

Good Morning! Can you believe Christmas is already here? I hope you get to spend time with those you love,…

4 years ago