Hello! If you receive money from the State or a County sponsored organization for providing foster care for children you…
Hello! I wanted to address the two most common questions that we get regarding reverse mortgages… Question: What happens if…
Good Morning! Are you planning to use a gift for the down payment or closing costs when using a Conventional…
Hello! There are many people that just don’t know the USDA loan program exists. …and, next to VA it’s probably…
Hello! When you give someone option money at the onset of a lease option agreement – you are going to…
Hello! Most loan officers don't know this loan exists. If you are getting a divorce, and you have to pay…
Hello! If you are wanting to purchase a home, but you aren’t able to qualify now – here’s what you…
Hello! As of January of 2022 FHA has said that the lending limit for Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (Reverse Mortgages)…
Hello! Did you know we have a mortgage program that doesn't require any income documentation when purchasing an investment property?…
Hello! Your property tax bill is most likely out by now. There are two issues I see every year with…