I've written about this before, but I see this issue every week. ...so, I wanted to touch on this again…
Have you been told that you can't get a mortgage until you pay off your judgement? If so, I have…
The FHA loan product is becoming less appealing. This is due to FHA continuing to raise their mortgage insurance rates,…
Did you realize that a borrower using a conventional mortgage, and putting down less than 20% - can use a…
If you would like to purchase a house, but your main obstacle is a down payment - here is an…
Quick Credit Tip: When it comes to getting a mortgage the difference between a credit collection account and a judgment…
If you are considering a USDA loan there are two things you should be aware of... 1) There are geographic…
I wanted to take a minute and make sure you understand three important recent changes to FHA loans... 1) As…
Freddie Mac is introducing a streamline refinance for conventional loans starting July 1st, 2013. The difference between this new streamline…
If you originated your FHA loan after April of 2009, and you want to refinance I would recommend you consider using a…