Request a Loan Assessment
Timely and accurate information is the key to obtaining a letter of interest or formal application.
If you would like an assessment of your loan request, with no obligation, submit the following documentation:
- Loan request with use of proceeds.
- Three (3) years operating statements.
- Three (3) years tax returns on borrowing entity and each principal.
- Financial statements on borrowing entityand each principal (current, signed and dated).
- Rent roll / lease summary.
- Copies of all leases.
- Project history narrative.
- Purchase agreement (if applicable).
- Third party reports (if available).
- Color photos.
Please submit all requested documentation to:
Berkshire Lending
660 N. Central Expressway, Suite 102
Plano, TX. 75074
Phone: 888-875-7675
Fax: 214-461-0448
Or via email to: