When you buy a house there are three sets of funds you have to consider… 1) Your down payment. 2)…
I’m seeing more and more sellers are starting to give concessions again on purchase transactions. Here is a breakdown of…
Next week, we will be rolling out a new 4% Down Payment Assistance bond product which will have lower interest…
Goldman Sachs just upgraded their forecast for the 2024 housing market... “US home prices are projected to increase 5% this…
If you haven’t owned a home in the last three years and you want to purchase a home you should…
Did you realize that when buying a house from an immediate family member – the buyer doesn’t necessarily have to…
If you want to acquire rental properties, but you are having issues proving your income – here’s one tool you…
If you are getting a divorce, and you have to pay your spouse their share of the equity, don’t use…
I touch on this from time to time, but it’s important so I want to revisit it… One of the…
Did you know 10 of the last 11 non-farm payroll reports have been revised lower? Why is this important?...because it…