If you are considering a USDA loan there are two things you should be aware of…
1) There are geographic restrictions. Not every area is eligible for USDA financing.
The best thing to do is enter the address of the home or area you are interested in and see if it’s eligible for USDA financing.
Here is the link to check your address: https://eligibility.sc.egov.
2) USDA has household income caps. In other words, it’s possible to make too much to qualify for a USDA loan.
You will need to enter your total household income into the link below and see if your family qualifies.
Here is the link to check the income for your area… https://eligibility.sc.egov.
USDA is a great program. …100% financing with a low fixed interest rate.
If you have any other questions or want to see if you qualify just give me a call or shoot me an email!
That’s it for today!
Have a good day today! …and thanks for reading.