Just got back from a week in Crested Butte skiing.
Great town. Great Mountain. Awesome time with family!
Here’s a picture of me and my boys on the lift…
Quick mortgage tip…
If you are shopping for a mortgage make sure your mortgage company has the ability to broker your loan if their own bank can’t do it.
More and more people are using the big banks to get their mortgages… Companies like Chase, Bank of America, etc.
These are good companies, but if your loan doesn’t fit in their mortgage box then you are out of luck and out of options!
If you use a mortgage company that has the ability to broker your loan, then they can match your loan to the best underwriting guidelines to get you an approval.
You will find the fees are comparable with either type of mortgage company, but your value with a broker is higher due to their flexibility!
That’s it for today!
To see if you qualify for a mortgage right now – [ez_btn color=”red” url=”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ZsPIwUJX5myadWTNmLM40p3105ZmijvDiFaRrGk2pLk2d7djclcxFOoYDH4jnPL3eJxE31ln2mNnnAw0ngR6ZVSqyK469UA-NXaqmgNx4nv60si8YmjXb7hVgXOoXYQ1Vue1Rk486lymQk0v4CSfkA==”]CLICK HERE[/ez_btn] and fill out this simple application.
To sign up for my weekly mortgage quick tips – [ez_btn color=”red” url=”http://loansdonequickly.com/email-quick-tips-sign-up/”]CLICK HERE[/ez_btn].
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I wanted to address the two most common questions that I get regarding reverse mortgages……
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Would you like to get cash out of your home, but you don't want to…
If you need cash out of your house, but don't want to touch your first…
I wanted to address the two most common questions that I get regarding reverse mortgages……