I going to give you a quick guide for minimum credit scores on each program.
The mortgage industry is a very dynamic industry. …the rules change almost daily.
…so please check in with me when you get serious about buying or refinancing a house. The numbers I give here may change tomorrow!
Also, keep in mind there’s more to consider than just the credit score when qualifying for a mortgage.
…but, for the purposes of this post – here are the current minimum credit scores.
FHA – I can do credit scores down to 500. (10% down for scores between 500 and 579)
VA – No minimum credit score.
USDA – 620 minimum score.
Conventional – 620 minimum credit score.
Hope this helps! Call me or email me if you have questions about your house buying needs.
That’s it for today!
To see if you qualify for a mortgage right now – [ez_btn color=”red” url=”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001ZsPIwUJX5myadWTNmLM40p3105ZmijvDiFaRrGk2pLk2d7djclcxFOoYDH4jnPL3eJxE31ln2mNnnAw0ngR6ZVSqyK469UA-NXaqmgNx4nv60si8YmjXb7hVgXOoXYQ1Vue1Rk486lymQk0v4CSfkA==”]CLICK HERE[/ez_btn] and fill out this simple application.
To sign up for my weekly mortgage quick tips – [ez_btn color=”red” url=”http://loansdonequickly.com/email-quick-tips-sign-up/”]CLICK HERE[/ez_btn].
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