Have you ever wondered what the impact on your credit score would be if you paid off a certain collection, or credit card?
I’m going to do a video illustration on this subject, but I wanted to write a quick note to you about it because I want you to know this is something I can do for you.
There is a “what if” service we use through our credit company that allows us to ask what the impact of paying off or down any account. It will tell you the expected impact of the action on your credit scores.
This is important because it can save you a ton of money.
I have some people that pay thousands of dollars against 6 or 7 year old collections – only to find out the impact on the score was negligible.
So, if you are trying to get your scores up – and you are considering paying off some accounts.
…Let me run the “what if” scenario for you to see how it will impact your score first.
Thanks for reading! …and, have a good day!
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